Year: 2015

National Museum of Crime & Punishment

FSCI students learned about the history of crime & punishment, how the prison system works, and what it is like to work for law […]

Neuroscience Lab | Neuron Structure

PSYC students learn about neuron structure by hooking up music from their phones to cockroach legs!

Newsroom Simulation

The #NSLCCOMM students experience what it is like to be in a newsroom when there is BREAKING NEWS!  

Challenge Course

The NSLCENGN students bond as a team on the ropes course!

Challenge Course

The NSLCNSEC students learn leadership skills at the ropes course.

Challenge Course

The NSLCHEAL students bond as a team at the ropes course!    

Nationals Baseball Game!

The NSLCCOMM students watch a Nationals Baseball Game.

Brain Observation

PSYC students observe different types of animal brains during their neuroscience lab.

Shoe Impressions & Blood Stain Analysis

FSCI students learn how to identify different blood stains and how to capture shoe impressions during the first day of Forensic Skills workshops.

VIDEO | World Simulation

Check out this video in which INTL students describe their experience in participating in the “World Simulation”!