Category: Biotechnology

Personality Matrix

Biotechnology students explored aspects of their personalities and how they interact with others during Personality Matrix!

VIDEO | Session 2 Recap

Today was BIOT’s last full day! Watch as students look back on their time here at NSLC.

Dr. Marie Bernard, M.D.

BIOT student had the pleasure of hearing from Dr. Bernard, Deputy Director for the National Institute on Aging at the NIH!

Biotechnology Expo

BIOT students learned about many different aspects of biotechnology during today’s biotech expo!

VIDEO | Myoelectric Arm

Watch as BIOT students describe the myoelectric arm activity!

Myoelectric Arm

BIOT students transformed toys into functioning electronic “arms” during tonight’s activity!


BIOT students had a blast during tonight’s RoboRoach activity!

Challenge Course

BIOT students had a blast sharpening their communication and teamwork skills at the challenge course today!

Registration Day

Final session of BIOT students arrived at AU today!

VIDEO | Session 1 Recap

See what activities the BIOT students did this session!